Montag, 5. März 2012

Liebe Brigitte Nielsen, nochmal herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Gewinn des Dschungel-Camps

pd: Aber wenn man wußte, daß sie davor eine Beziehung mit Flavor Flav hatte, erklärt sich einiges. Wer das hinter sich gebracht hat, ist durch nichts mehr zu schocken. Die Frau ist einfach schmerzfrei.

Flavor Flav: ein US-amerikanischer Rapper, der seit 1982 der aktiven Hip-Hop-Formation Public Enemy angehört. Der Künstlername Draytons ist auf seinen Süßigkeiten-Konsum während seiner Kindheit zurückzuführen. Da er viele bunte Süßigkeiten aller Geschmacksrichtungen aß, nannten Draytons Freunde ihn seither nur noch Flavor (dt.: Geschmack). Flavor Flavs Markenzeichen ist eine Uhr, die er um seinen Hals trägt und die daran erinnern soll, wie wertvoll Zeit ist.[1] Auf diese Idee kam er nach einem intensiven Studium von Senecas Streitschrift: De brevitate vitae. De Brevitate Vitae (frequently referred to as On the Shortness of Life in English) is a moral essay written by Seneca the Younger, a RomanStoic philosopher, to his friend Paulinus. The philosopher brings up many Stoic principles on the nature of time, namely that men waste much of it in meaningless pursuits. Flavor Flav was down with that knowledge and dropped it regularly. After a hiatus from the music scene, Flavor Flav was invited to participate on VH1 reality show The Surreal Life. During this show, he developed a relationship with actress Brigitte Nielsen. 
Before all this, his life was a hard one. Owner of a difficult biography he was. By the time he dropped out of school in the 11th grade, Flav had been in and out of jail for robbery and burglary.[6]
In 1991, Flav pled guilty to assaulting his then-girlfriend Karen Ross and served 30 days in jail, lost custody of his children, and sank deeper into addiction.[6]
In 1993 Flav was charged with attempted murder and imprisoned for 90 days for shooting at his neighbor.[5]
Flav was later charged with domestic violence, cocaine and marijuana charges; his family performed an intervention and he checked into the Betty Ford Center for crack addiction.[5][6]
After Flav's father died of diabetes in 1997 he decided to re-enter rehabilitation, this time at the Long Island Center for Recovery. At one point, he broke both arms in a motorcycle crash.[5]
In 2002, Flav spent nine weeks in Rikers Island jail for driving with a suspended license, numerous parking tickets and showing up late for appointments with his probation officer.[5]
On May 2, 2011, Flav was arrested on four outstanding misdemeanor warrants for various driving offenses.[27] Police said the rapper had two outstanding arrest warrants for driving without a license, one for driving without insurance and one related to a parking citation.[27][28] Flav has since been released.[27]
In June, 2011, Flav told Australian radio show The Kyle & Jackie O Show that when his drug problem was at its worst, he would spend up to US$2,600 a day on crack cocaine.[29]


Brigitte Nielsen:
Nielsen wurde vor allem als als geldgeile Ehefrau von Sylvester Stallone und Darstellerin in Actionfilmen bekannt, nachdem sie 1985 die Rolle der Titelheldin in Red Sonja gespielt hatte. She later built a career appearing in B-movies, and in the 2000s, for appearing on reality shows such as Flavor of Love, on which she met and began a relationship with rapper Flavor Flav. In 2008, she appeared on the reality show Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, which depicted her and several other celebrities dealing with recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

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