Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2016
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2016
26. Dezember 2016, 18:50 Uhr
Medizin News :
Feiertage erhöhen das Sterberisiko
Sonntag, 13. November 2016
Prophet der Finsternis
Finally, do not discount the electorate’s ability to be mischievous or underestimate how any millions fancy themselves as closet anarchists once they draw the curtain and are all alone in the voting booth. It’s one of the few places left in society where there are no security cameras, no listening devices, no spouses, no kids, no boss, no cops, there’s not even a friggin’ time limit. You can take as long as you need in there and no one can make you do anything. You can push the button and vote a straight party line, or you can write in Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. There are no rules. And because of that, and the anger that so many have toward a broken political system, millions are going to vote for Trump not because they agree with him, not because they like his bigotry or ego, but just because they can. Just because it will upset the apple cart and make mommy and daddy mad.
And now The Outsider, Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!
"I voted for the wrecking ball—and I feel better about it now than I did in the booth."
He doesn’t need Florida. He doesn’t need Colorado or Virginia. Just Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And that will put him over the top. This is how it will happen in November.
In these four states - Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - Donald Trump won 47 counties that Barack Obama carried in 2012.
And now The Outsider, Donald Trump, has arrived to clean house! You don’t have to agree with him! You don’t even have to like him! He is your personal Molotov cocktail to throw right into the center of the bastards who did this to you! SEND A MESSAGE! TRUMP IS YOUR MESSENGER!
"I voted for the wrecking ball—and I feel better about it now than I did in the booth."
He doesn’t need Florida. He doesn’t need Colorado or Virginia. Just Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. And that will put him over the top. This is how it will happen in November.
In these four states - Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin - Donald Trump won 47 counties that Barack Obama carried in 2012.
Montag, 24. Oktober 2016
Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2016
Spoiler alert
"Ein Spoiler alert (von englisch to spoil, „verderben“) ist eine Information, die wesentliche Handlungselemente eines belletristischen Werks, eines Films, eines Videospiels, eines Hörbuchs, eines Sportereignisses oder Folgen einer Fernsehserie zusammenfasst und dadurch dazu geeignet ist, den Genuss am vollständigen Werk bzw. dessen Ausgang zu verderben."
Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2016
Sonntag, 18. September 2016
Donnerstag, 8. September 2016
Donnerstag, 18. August 2016
Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2016
Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2016
Deutsche Integrationsverweigerer
Man spricht Deutsch – auch in diesen Ländern.
Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sind im tiefsten Texas unterwegs – und geraten in eine Gruppe Einheimischer, die fröhlich Deutsch plaudern. Das glauben Sie nicht? Dann fahren Sie mal ins dortige Luckenbach...
Gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts gründeten deutsche Auswanderer das Dorf mit dem durch und durch deutsch klingenden Namen in der Weite des US-Bundesstaates. Mittlerweile ist Luckenbach zwar ausgestorben – doch Einwohner ringsum mit deutschen Wurzeln kommen fast jeden Abend in die wieder eröffnete Bar, um die europäischen Wurzeln zu pflegen – und sich auf deutsch zu unterhalten. Oder im deutsch-englischen Kauderwelsch, das daraus hervorgegangen ist.
Und wehe dieser Özil bewegt seine Lippen nur pro-forma nach dem Nationalhymnen-Text. Wir lassen das von einem Lippenleser nachprüfen.
Samstag, 5. März 2016
Freitag, 4. März 2016
Dienstag, 1. März 2016
Oberflächliches Hören mag diese Musik freilich als „eintönig“ empfinden. Genau dies schien in der Philharmonie der Fall zu sein: Hatte bereits die von Esfahani in gut verständlichem Englisch gegebene Einführung in das Werk einzelne Rufe von der Güte „Reden Sie doch gefälligst Deutsch!“ provoziert, so folgte der Saal der Aufführung dann mit zunehmender Unruhe. Sie überschritt rasch den bei solchen Ereignissen erwart- und tolerierbaren Geräuschpegelstand. Schließlich, als der Künstler fünf, sechs Minuten des original 16 Minuten langen Stücks absolviert hatte, erzwangen Lachen, Klatschen, Pfeifen und andere Geräusche des Missfallens den Abbruch der Darbietung. Der Bildungsbürger mit Jahres-Abonnement will Affirmation im Guten, Schönen und Wahren. Obwohl noch ein Cembalokonzert des Bach-Sohnes auf der Agenda stand, ergriffen nicht wenige Zuhörer die Flucht.
Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016
Immortal without Soul
Henrietta Lacks (August 1, 1920 – October 4, 1951) |
On January 29, 1951, Henrietta went to Johns Hopkins Hospital because she felt a knot inside her. It all started when she asked her cousins to feel her belly, asking if they felt the lump that she did. Her cousins assumed correctly that she was pregnant. But, after giving birth to her fifth child, Joseph, Henrietta started bleeding abnormally and profusely. Her local doctor tested her for syphilis, which came back negative, and referred her to Johns Hopkins.
Johns Hopkins was their only choice for a hospital, since it was the only one in proximity to them that treated black patients. Howard Jones, her new doctor, examined Henrietta and the lump in her cervix. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. He cut off a small part of the tumor and sent it to the pathology lab. Soon after, Jones discovered she had a malignant epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix Stage 1 (cervical cancer).
Lacks was treated with radium tube inserts, which were sewn in place. After several days in place, the tubes were removed and she was released from Johns Hopkins with instructions to return for X-ray treatments as a follow-up. During her radiation treatments for the tumor, two samples of Henrietta's cervix were removed—a healthy part and a cancerous part—without her permission.
The cells from her cervix were given to Dr. George Otto Gey. These cells would eventually become the HeLa immortal cell line, a commonly used cell line in biomedical research.
In significant pain and without improvement, Lacks returned to Hopkins on August 8 for a treatment session, but asked to be admitted. She remained at the hospital until the day of her death. Though she received treatment and blood transfusions, she died of uremic poisoning on October 4, 1951 at the age of thirty-one. A subsequent partial autopsyshowed that the cancer had metastasized throughout her entire body.
The cells from Henrietta's tumor were given to researcher George Gey, who "discovered that Henrietta's cells did something they'd never seen before: They could be kept alive and grow."
Before this, cells cultured from other cells would only survive for a few days. Scientists spent more time trying to keep the cells alive than performing actual research on the cells, but some cells from Lacks's tumor sample behaved differently from others. George Gey was able to isolate one specific cell, multiply it, and start a cell line. Gey named the sample HeLa, after the initial letters of Henrietta Lacks' name. As the first human cells grown in a lab that were "immortal" (they do not die after a few cell divisions), they could be used for conducting many experiments. This represented an enormous boon to medical and biological research.
As reporter Michael Rogers stated, the growth of HeLa by a researcher at the hospital helped answer the demands of the 10,000 who marched for a cure to polio shortly before Lacks' death. By 1954, the HeLa strain of cells was being used by Jonas Salk to develop a vaccine for polio.
To test Salk's new vaccine, the cells were quickly put into mass production in the first-ever cell production factory.
Demand for the HeLa cells quickly grew. Since they were put into mass production, Henrietta's cells have been mailed to scientists around the globe for "research into cancer,AIDS, the effects of radiation and toxic substances, gene mapping, and countless other scientific pursuits".
HeLa cells have been used to test human sensitivity to tape, glue, cosmetics, and many other products. Scientists have grown some 20 tons of her cells, and there are almost 11,000 patents involving HeLa cells.
In the early 1970s, the family of Henrietta Lacks started getting calls from researchers who wanted blood samples from them to learn the family's genetics (eye colors, hair colors, and genetic connections). The family questioned this, which led to them learning about the removal of Henrietta's cells.
Henrietta Lacks was buried without a tombstone in a family cemetery in Lackstown, a part of Clover in Halifax County, Virginia. Her exact burial location is not known, although the family believes it is within feet of her mother's gravesite. Lackstown is the name of the land that has been held by the (black) Lacks family since they received it from the (white) Lacks family, who had owned the ancestors of the black Lackses when slavery was legal. Many members of the black Lacks family were also descended from the white Lacks family. A row of boxwoods separates the graves of whites from those of the blacks buried in the family cemetery. For decades, Henrietta Lacks' mother had the only tombstone of the five graves in the family cemetery in Lackstown, and Henrietta's own grave was unmarked. In 2010, however, Dr. Roland Pattillo of the Morehouse School of Medicinedonated a headstone for Lacks after reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
The headstone, which is shaped like a book, reads:
Johns Hopkins was their only choice for a hospital, since it was the only one in proximity to them that treated black patients. Howard Jones, her new doctor, examined Henrietta and the lump in her cervix. It was like nothing he had ever seen before. He cut off a small part of the tumor and sent it to the pathology lab. Soon after, Jones discovered she had a malignant epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix Stage 1 (cervical cancer).
Lacks was treated with radium tube inserts, which were sewn in place. After several days in place, the tubes were removed and she was released from Johns Hopkins with instructions to return for X-ray treatments as a follow-up. During her radiation treatments for the tumor, two samples of Henrietta's cervix were removed—a healthy part and a cancerous part—without her permission.
The cells from her cervix were given to Dr. George Otto Gey. These cells would eventually become the HeLa immortal cell line, a commonly used cell line in biomedical research.
In significant pain and without improvement, Lacks returned to Hopkins on August 8 for a treatment session, but asked to be admitted. She remained at the hospital until the day of her death. Though she received treatment and blood transfusions, she died of uremic poisoning on October 4, 1951 at the age of thirty-one. A subsequent partial autopsyshowed that the cancer had metastasized throughout her entire body.
The cells from Henrietta's tumor were given to researcher George Gey, who "discovered that Henrietta's cells did something they'd never seen before: They could be kept alive and grow."
Before this, cells cultured from other cells would only survive for a few days. Scientists spent more time trying to keep the cells alive than performing actual research on the cells, but some cells from Lacks's tumor sample behaved differently from others. George Gey was able to isolate one specific cell, multiply it, and start a cell line. Gey named the sample HeLa, after the initial letters of Henrietta Lacks' name. As the first human cells grown in a lab that were "immortal" (they do not die after a few cell divisions), they could be used for conducting many experiments. This represented an enormous boon to medical and biological research.
As reporter Michael Rogers stated, the growth of HeLa by a researcher at the hospital helped answer the demands of the 10,000 who marched for a cure to polio shortly before Lacks' death. By 1954, the HeLa strain of cells was being used by Jonas Salk to develop a vaccine for polio.
To test Salk's new vaccine, the cells were quickly put into mass production in the first-ever cell production factory.
Demand for the HeLa cells quickly grew. Since they were put into mass production, Henrietta's cells have been mailed to scientists around the globe for "research into cancer,AIDS, the effects of radiation and toxic substances, gene mapping, and countless other scientific pursuits".
HeLa cells have been used to test human sensitivity to tape, glue, cosmetics, and many other products. Scientists have grown some 20 tons of her cells, and there are almost 11,000 patents involving HeLa cells.
In the early 1970s, the family of Henrietta Lacks started getting calls from researchers who wanted blood samples from them to learn the family's genetics (eye colors, hair colors, and genetic connections). The family questioned this, which led to them learning about the removal of Henrietta's cells.
Henrietta Lacks was buried without a tombstone in a family cemetery in Lackstown, a part of Clover in Halifax County, Virginia. Her exact burial location is not known, although the family believes it is within feet of her mother's gravesite. Lackstown is the name of the land that has been held by the (black) Lacks family since they received it from the (white) Lacks family, who had owned the ancestors of the black Lackses when slavery was legal. Many members of the black Lacks family were also descended from the white Lacks family. A row of boxwoods separates the graves of whites from those of the blacks buried in the family cemetery. For decades, Henrietta Lacks' mother had the only tombstone of the five graves in the family cemetery in Lackstown, and Henrietta's own grave was unmarked. In 2010, however, Dr. Roland Pattillo of the Morehouse School of Medicinedonated a headstone for Lacks after reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
The headstone, which is shaped like a book, reads:
Henrietta Lacks, August 01, 1920-October 04, 1951.
In loving memory of a phenomenal woman,wife and mother
who touched the lives of many.
Here lies Henrietta Lacks (HeLa).
Her immortal cells will continue to help mankind forever.
Eternal Love and Admiration, From Your Family |
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (2010) is a non-fiction book by American author Rebecca Skloot. It is about Henrietta Lacks and the immortal cell line, known as HeLa, that came from her cervical cancer cells in 1951. The book is notable for its science writing and dealing with ethical issues of race and class in medical research. Rebecca Skloot writes in her book that some of the information was taken from the journal of Deborah Lacks, Henrietta Lacks's daughter, as well as from "archival photos and documents, scientific and historical research"
A HeLa cell /ˈhiːlɑː/, also Hela or hela cell, is a cell type in an immortal cell line used in scientific research. It is the oldest and most commonly used human cell line. The line was derived from cervical cancer cells taken on February 8, 1951 from Henrietta Lacks, a patient who died of her cancer on October 4, 1951. The cell line was found to be remarkably durable and prolific — which has led to it contaminating many other cell lines used in research.
Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016
Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2016
Cult Leader Sunglasses
Cult Leader Sunglasses - Huge Sunglasses Retro Inspired Cateye Glasses Cat Eye Glasses Huge Black Frames Pastel Grunge Soft Grunge Kawaii

No prospective cult leader wants to be seen dead without an appropriate pair of 1970s-esque gradient shades, and Iris Optical's "Cult". Yeah, man.

No prospective cult leader wants to be seen dead without an appropriate pair of 1970s-esque gradient shades, and Iris Optical's "Cult". Yeah, man.
Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016
Von Menschen, Affen und Xenophobie
Forscher vermuteten schon länger, dass gewaltbereite Schimpansen Mitglieder anderer Gruppen ermorden. Nach einer zehnjährigen Studie zu einer Schimpansengemeinschaft haben John Mitani von der University of Michigan in Ann Arbor und seine Kollegen den Beweis für diese Hypothese erbracht. Von 1999 bis 2008 beobachteten sie eine aus über 150 Individuen bestehende Gruppe im Kibale-Nationalpark in der Nähe von Ngogo in Uganda. Für diesen Zeitraum dokumentierten sie 18 Angriffe der Schimpansen mit Todesfolgen auf ihre Nachbarn. Zudem fanden sie Anzeichen dreier weiterer Überfälle.
Dabei bildeten die Tiere Banden, die in den angrenzenden Territorien heimlich auf Patrouille gingen. Trafen sie auf andere Schimpansen, gingen sie unmittelbar zum Angriff über und versuchten, diese zu töten.
Dr. Robert Sapolsky discusses his work as professor of biology and neurology at Stanford University
and as a research associate with the Institute of Primate Research at the National Museum of Kenya
-Ausländerfeindlichkeit: anthropologische Theorie: Danach ist Xenophobie ein
entwicklungsgeschichtliches, erbliches Überbleibsel aus der menschlichen Urzeit.
Eine Affenwehr patrouilliert an der Grenze ihres Stammesgebietes.
Treffen sie auf Stammesfremde, bringen sie diese um.
Das geht bis zur vollständigen Auslöschung der Fremdgruppe, dem Genozid.
-Ausländerfeindlichkeit:Die ideologische Theorie (Rassismus, Rechtsextremismus): Die ideologische Erklä-
rung generalisiert auf der Ebene der Nation und der abendländischen Kultur.
-Ausländerfeindlichkeit:Die Krisentheorien (Konkurrenz): Ausländerfeindlichkeit ist ökonomisch bedingt. darunter
versteht man zumeist die Konkurrenzsituation" bzgl. knapper werdenden Arbeitsplätze,
billiger Wohnungen, Angst vor eigenem Statusverlust usw.
-Ausländerfeindlichkeit:Die Stereotypentheorie (Vorurteile): Attribute wie Faulheit, sexuelle Zügellosigkeit, Integrationsunfähigkeit, höhere Kriminalitätsrate uvam. werden Migrant/inn/engruppen zugeschrieben und jene werden auf Grund dieser Zuweisungen negativ bewertet.
Die wesentlichste historische Studie zur Charaktersierung von Personen, die in Richtung extremer Ausländerfeindlichkeit tendieren wurde von THEODOR W. ADORNO erstellt. In seiner Forschungsarbeit zur „autoritären Persönlichkeit“ stellte er heraus, dass diese stark vorurteilsbehaftet ist und sich auf Grund ihrer psychischen Struktur durch ständige Angst und Unsicherheit auszeichnet. Damit verbunden ist ein starkes Bedürfnis nach Anlehnung an Autoritäten einerseits und rigides und intolerantes Verhalten gegenüber sozial Schwachen andererseits. Insbesonders soziale Abstiegsprozesse begünstigen die Entwicklung autoritärer Persönlichkeitsstrukturen.
Erst schwadronieren geistige Brandstifter wie Alice Schwatzer über die Andersartigkeit von Nicht-Stammesangehörigen, dann schwärmen die Primitivlinge aus und verteidigen das Abendland.
Sonntag, 17. Januar 2016
"The Circle", Dave Eggers
"As we all know here at the Circle, transparency leads to peace of mind. No longer do I have to wonder."
"She knew she was being improved just by being in the Circlers’ proximity. It was like a well-curated organic grocery store: you knew, by shopping there, that you were healthier."
"It was a place where everyone endeavored, constantly and passionately, to improve themselves, each other, share their knowledge, disseminate it to the world."
"Even when I’m talking to you face-to-face you’re telling me what some stranger thinks of me. It becomes like we’re never alone. Every time I see you, there’s a hundred other people in the room."
"No one needs the level of contact you’re purveying. It improves nothing. It’s not nourishing. It’s like snack food."
"That’s the same feeling, and you know it is, after some digital binge. You feel wasted and hollow and diminished.”
"The dominance of the Circle stifles competition and is dangerous to our way of free-market capitalism.”
"You know this isn’t what you might call a clock-in, clock-out type of company."
“No, I mean, this is a tangent, but my problem with paper is that all communication dies with it. It holds no possibility of continuity. You look at your paper brochure, and that’s where it ends. It ends with you."
"It’s just maddening, thinking of how much knowledge is lost every day through this kind of shortsightedness. And I don’t want to call it selfish but—”
"That what had always caused her anxiety, or stress, or worry, was not any one force, nothing independent and external—it wasn’t danger to herself or the constant calamity of other people and their problems. It was internal: it was subjective: it was not knowing."
"It hurts him personally when anyone even considers the deleting of any information. It’s like killing babies, he says. You know that.”
"My every meeting, movement, my every word, will be available to all my constituents and to the world.”
"I mean, like everything else you guys are pushing, it sounds perfect, sounds progressive, but it carries with it more control, more central tracking of everything we do.”
“So in general, would you say you behave differently when you know you’re being watched?”
"But the persecution of gays or any minority group is made uniquely possible through secrecy."
"Millions of documents, and the main takeaway was that U.S. diplomats thought Gadhafi was a kook, with all his female bodyguards and strange eating habits. If anything, the release of the documents just put these diplomats on better behavior. They were more careful about what they said.”
“But what if they did know our plans and we knew theirs? You’d suddenly be free of what they used to call the risk of mutually assured destruction, and instead you’d arrive at mutually assured trust."
"It’s like a broken mirror. If we look into a broken mirror, a mirror that’s cracked or missing parts, what do we get?” Now it made sense to Mae. Any assessment, judgment, or picture utilizing incomplete information would always be wrong. “We get a distorted and broken reflection,” she said."
"If we demystify it, if we admit that it’s something we all do, then it loses its power to shock. We move toward honesty, and we move away from shame. Or second, and even better, if we all, as a society, decide that this is behavior we’d rather not engage in, the fact that everyone knows, or has the power to know who’s doing it, this would prevent the behavior from being engaged in. This is just as you said—you wouldn’t have stolen if you knew you were being watched.”
"Secrets are the enablers of antisocial, immoral and destructive behavior. Do you see how this is?”
"But my point is, what if we all behaved as if we were being watched? It would lead to a more moral way of life."
"We can cure any disease, end hunger, everything, because we won’t be dragged down by all our weaknesses, our petty secrets, our hoarding of information and knowledge. We will finally realize our potential.”
"And second, secrets inspire speculation. When we don’t know what’s being hidden, we guess, we make up answers.”
"But if all the doors are open, physically and metaphorically, there’s only the one truth.”
“Why shouldn’t everyone see whatever it is they want to see? Why shouldn’t everyone have equal access to the sights of the world?"
“I think it’s simple. If you care about your fellow human beings, you share what you know with them."
"She was apprised by Stewart that when thousands, or even millions, are watching, you perform your best self. You are cheerier, more positive, more polite, more generous, more inquisitive."
"Yes, sometimes some of the applications of the internet could be a bit crass and commercial, but for every one commercial application, there were three like this, proactive applications that used the power of the technology to improve humanity."
"I’m moving north, to the densest and most uninteresting forest I can find. I know that your cameras are mapping out these areas as they have mapped the Amazon, Antarctica, the Sahara, etc. But at least I’ll have a head start. And when the cameras come, I’ll keep going north."
"So I’m gone. By the time you read this, I’ll be off the grid, and I expect that others will join me. In fact, I know others will join me. We’ll be living underground, and in the desert, in the woods."
"So many people who don’t want to be found but who will be. So many people who wanted no part of all this. That’s what’s new. There used to be the option of opting out. But now that’s over. Completion is the end. We’re closing the circle around everyone—it’s a totalitarian nightmare.”
"In the interest of education and safety, everything they’ve done will be recorded, tracked, logged, analyzed—it’s permanent. Then, when they’re old enough to vote, to participate, their membership is mandatory."
"Under the guise of having every voice heard, you create mob rule."
"Infocomunism. But paired with ruthless capitalistic ambition—”
"If everyone has equal access to services, to information, we finally have a chance at equality. No information should cost anything. There should be no barriers to knowing everything, to accessing all—”
"I mean, during any major human turning point, there’s upheaval. Some get left behind, some choose to be left behind.”
Richerd Wagner - Ring der Nibelungen
Auf dem Grunde des Rheines.
Auf dem Grunde des Rheines.
Grünliche Dämmerung, nach oben zu lichter, nach unten zu dunkler. Die Höhe ist von wogendem Gewässer erfüllt, das rastlos von rechts nach links zu strömt. Nach der Tiefe zu lösen die Fluten sich in einen immer feineren feuchten Nebel auf, so dass der Raum in Manneshöhe vom Boden auf gänzlich frei vom Wasser zu sein scheint, welches wie in Wolkenzügen über den nächtlichen Grund dahinfliesst. Überall ragen schroffe Felsenriffe aus der Tiefe auf und grenzen den Raum der Bühne ab; der ganze Boden ist in ein wildes Zackengewirr zerspalten, so dass er nirgends vollkommen eben ist und nach allen Seiten hin in dichtester Finsternis tiefere Schlüfte annehmen lässt.
(Um ein Riff in der Mitte der Bühne, welches mit seiner schlanken Spitze bis in die dichtere, heller dämmernde Wasserflut hinauftragt, kreist in anmutig schwimmender Bewegung eine der Rheintöchter)
Weia! Waga!
walle zur Wiege!
Wagala weia!
Wallala, weiala weia!
Mit Wellgunde wär' ich zu zwei.
(taucht aus der Flut zum Riff herab)Lass sehn, wie du wachst!
(sie sucht Woglinde zu erhaschen)
(entweicht ihr schwimmend)Sicher vor dir!
(sie necken sich und suchen sich spielend zu fangen)
(von oben)Heiaha weia!
Wildes Geschwister!
Sehr grenzwertiges Bild-gute Audioqualität ohne Bühnengetrampel.
@35:++ Darth vader Thema Imperial March ist eine Abwandlung des 'Riesen.Motivs'.
"John Williams used leitmotifs in the genuine sense of the word. He has come very close to the practice of Wagner in the various procedures in which he varies and transforms his themes, and in using the idea of the thematic image (the arch-theme that is the unifying element of the musical material). However, the similarity of Williams's and Wagner's leitmotifs is greatest in the area of kinship of themes (a series of new themes or motifs derive from a single motif or theme) on the basis of which both of them create a web of mutually related leitmotifs. The closeness of the procedures of the two can also be found in the area of melody, rhythm, form, harmony, instrumentation, and even in the domain of the ratio of the old and the new in their music. The ultimate objective of Richard Wagner was to create the music drama, music for the stage based on the old roots of opera, in which all the musical elements were subordinated to the drama. The ultimate aim of John Williams was to take part in the creation of a film in which his music would serve to define the film's substance and help all the other elements of it to function property."
„Ja, er ist Hanswurst, Lichtgott und anarchistischer Sozialrevolutionär auf einmal, – die Welt kann nicht mehr verlangen.“
"Picking just one “Ring” is difficult. Several invaluable live historic recordings have been released in the last 20 years. Still, the first “Ring” I owned remains a favorite: the pioneering studio version with Georg Solti conducting the Vienna Philharmonic, recorded over seven years, starting in 1958. In his later years, Solti might have taken a more mellow approach to these scores. Still, for sheer excitement, glittering colors, depth and beauty, this set has stood up over time."
Still, from the instant that the conductor Joseph Keilberth’s 1955 “Ring” — taped live in stereo by Decca at the Bayreuth Festival in Germany, then shelved in favor of the Solti version — was finally released in 2006, you knew its arrival was an event.
‘DER RING DES NIBELUNGEN’ Joseph Keilberth, conductor; Astrid Varnay, Hans Hotter, Ramón Vinay, Wolfgang Windgassen; Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra.
"Es gibt ein paar große Wagner-Dirigenten auf der Welt: Karl Böhm, Georg Solti."
SZ-Joachim Kaiser
"Sir Georg Solti’s 1958 recording of Das Rheingold is considered to be, even after over a half-century of the most
stalwart competition, one of the very greatest operatic recordings ever made."
"In der Studio-Produktion unter Daniel Barenboim mit dem Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele konnte Siegfried Jerusalem seine Sonderstellung dann erneut beweisen."
Bei Furtwängler, Karajan, etc. ist die Audioqualität zu schlecht.
Als Anfänger macht man anscheinend mit Solti nichts falsch.
SIEGFRIED (blickt gedankenvoll in das Horn und trinkt dann langsam) In Leid zu dem Wipfel lauscht' ich hinauf; da sass es noch und sang: - "Hei, Siegfried erschlug nun den schlimmen Zwerg! Jetzt wüsst' ich ihm noch das herrlichste Weib; - auf hohem Felsen sie schläft, Feuer umbrennt ihren Saal; durchschritt' er die Brunst, weckt' er die Braut - Brünnhilde wäre dann sein!" HAGEN Und folgtest du des Vögleins Rate? | |||
SIEGFRIED Rasch ohne Zögern zog ich nun aus; - (Gunther hört mit wachsendem Erstaunen zu) bis den feurigen Fels ich traf: - die Lohe durchschritt ich und fand zum Lohn -
(in immer grössere Verzückung geratend) schlafend ein wonniges Weib in lichter Waffen Gewand. Den Helm löst' ich der herrlichen Maid; mein Kuss erweckte sie kühn: - oh, wie mich brünstig da umschlang der schönen Brünnhilde Arm! | |||
GUNTHER (in höchstem Schrecken aufspringend) Was hör' ich! | |||
(Zwei Raben fliegen aus einem Busche auf, kreisen über Siegfried und fliegen dann, dem Rheine zu, davon) | |||
HAGEN Errätst du auch dieser Raben Geraun'? | |||
(Siegfried fährt heftig auf und blickt, Hagen den Rücken zukehrend, den Raben nach) | |||
HAGEN Rache rieten sie mir! | |||
(Er stösst seinen Speer in Siegfrieds Rücken: Gunther fällt ihm - zu spät - in den Arm. Siegfried schwingt mit beiden Händen seinen Schild hoch empor, um Hagen damit zu zerschmettern: die Kraft verlässt ihn, der Schild entsinkt ihm rückwärts; er selbst stürzt krachend über dem Schilde zusammen) | |||
VIER MANNEN (welche vergebens Hagen zurückzuhalten versucht) Hagen! Was tust du? | |||
ZWEI ANDERE Was tatest du? | |||
GUNTHER Hagen, was tatest du? | |||
HAGEN (auf den zu Boden Gestreckten deutend) Meineid rächt' ich! | |
»Immer wenn ich Wagner höre, spüre ich den inneren Drang,
in Polen einmarschieren zu müssen."
Woody Allen
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